Cullan & Cullan Joins the Business 2 Business Green Alliance
The Phoenix nursing home abuse attorneys of Cullan & Cullan are proud to announce our new membership in the Business 2 Business (B2B) Green Alliance, a group of businesses dedicated to finding and implementing cost-effective, eco-friendly practices.
About the B2B Green Alliance
The B2B Green Alliance was formed by two internet marketing companies in Colorado, MegaHunter and Page 1 Solutions, and is now being joined by law firms, doctors, and surgical practices nationwide.
Members of B2B contribute to saving thousands of acres of Brazilian rain forest with help from the Arbor Day Foundation along with greening their own businesses. The B2B Green Alliance also publishes a quarterly newsletter with tips for reducing waste and energy consumption for businesses.
To learn more about our commitment to the environment, please contact the law firm of Cullan & Cullan at (602) 786-8860 and ask about the Business 2 Business Green Alliance.