The Transition from In Home to Nursing Home Care
Most people would love to care for their elderly family members in the best way they can at home. Unfortunately, in-home care is difficult for many reasons. Time constraints are usually the biggest stumbling block.
It’s very hard to work at a job, and then come home to care for someone who cannot care for themselves, as well as pay for the in-house nursing aid who watches them. Or, to watch an elderly loved one get sicker and sicker with Alzheimer’s, knowing they full-time support that you can’t give them can be an emotionally draining experience for you.
Transitioning your loved one to nursing home care is usually done with the best of intentions. Contrary to what some say, we do not live in a society that throws away its elderly. Knowing that many elderly suffer emotional and physical downslides because they realize they are most likely going to live the rest of their days in a nursing facility is difficult. While doctors, nurses, and other nursing home staff are now responsible for your loved one, how can you trust they have your elderly loved one’s best interest at heart?
When in-home care becomes nursing home care, you need to pay close attention to their frame of mind, as well as their physical well-being. While they were more likely to be safe with in-home care, nursing home abuse and neglect occur far too often.
While you are transitioning a loved one from in-home care to nursing home care, you need to remember that you still have rights. The nursing home has an obligation to make sure all residents are taken care of as well as they can be. Any signs of elder abuse or neglect on their part should be dealt with immediately.
If you believe your loved one has suffered abuse or neglect while under the care of a nursing home, or you just have questions about how to ease the transition from in-home care to nursing home care, please contact Cullan & Cullan. Our experienced nursing home abuse attorneys serve the Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona area, as well as the entire state of Arizona.