Bed Sores and Nursing Home Abuse
Bed sores—or decubitus ulcers—are one of the most common signs of nursing home abuse, and they can be incredibly painful and dangerous if not treated in a timely fashion.
If you believe a family member is suffering from neglect or abuse in an Arizona nursing home, please call the Phoenix nursing home abuse attorneys at Cullan & Cullan at (602) 786-8860 for your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable lawyers. Our attorneys are also medical doctors, and we have a detailed understanding of the healthcare aspects of nursing home abuse cases.
Bed sores are often preventable, and they are a potentially deadly skin condition that can develop from prolonged confinement to a bed or wheelchair. Nursing home staff have an obligation to periodically reposition patients who are immobile or experience limited mobility in order to avoid bed sores.
Bed sores begin as red patches of skin that may cause only minor irritation. But they can rapidly progress to more severe skin ulcers that penetrate into the muscle, tendon or bones without proper treatment. For additional information, please see our Skin Conditions Associates with Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse page.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home, it’s important to be alert for bed sores and other signs of elderly abuse.
If you suspect a family member is a victim of nursing home abuse, please contact Cullan & Cullan today for your free consultation. Our experienced nursing home abuse attorneys welcome clients from the greater Phoenix and Scottsdale areas and throughout Arizona.