Behavioral Changes
Behavioral changes are often a clear indication of nursing home abuse. In fact, changes to behavior can follow all types of mistreatment and are common even when physical signs are not present.
Any sudden or worrisome changes in behavior should be monitored closely. If you suspect these changes have been sparked by abuse, they should be brought to the attention of an experienced nursing home attorney immediately.
Changes to watch for include:
- Withdrawal from the nursing home community
- Visible discomfort or fear around staff members
- Unusual habit development such as nail biting or rocking
- Agitation or increased aggression
- Depression and anxiety
These behaviors can all indicate a serious problem and should not be ignored.
Preventing Abuse
You cannot always prevent abuse, but you can take steps to reduce your loved one’s risks. Visiting frequently and becoming acquainted with all staff members are some of the most effective ways to help protect your loved one from mistreatment. If you notice changes in behavior, the Arizona nursing home attorneys at Cullan & Cullan can look into your concerns and help you determine if they are being caused by mistreatment.
If you suspect a loved one is being mistreated at his or her nursing home in Arizona, please contact Cullan & Cullan online or by calling today.